Friday, September 16, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

1st Post

August 7, 2011
It's a rainy Sunday evening here, which explains this post..

After arriving here [Bangkok] last Tuesday evening, I turned on the air-con, unpacked a bit, and tried to sleep. The 14-hour time difference from home messed with my sleeping plans, and I ended up only getting about four hours of sleep, and waking up with the sun at around 6:00am, Wednesday. My apartment came with a desk, a small table, a couch, two twin beds, and a refrigerator. Thankfully, we planned ahead and brought sleeping bags and travel towels so that we could survive the night before being able to purchase a few more items for the room. It's nice having my own apartment, but I can't say making decisions about what to buy for it is my favorite. Two of the teachers here, Terra and Dollie, took us out to lunch and showed us where to buy stuff for our room. They've been super helpful and I'm really glad that they are here! We also met with some of the administrators of Ekamai International School. Thursday and Friday were 'New Teacher Orientation' days. We began at 8:30am which was no problem because our bodies were still waking up around 5:00am! There are four new teachers: Michael, Clarissa, Elizabeth and myself. We learned some basic Thai culture; a few major DO's and DO NOT's.

August 14, 2011
Since last week, there have mainly been lots of Teacher Orientation meetings, at least three changes to my job description here, and a few adventures. Just this weekend, Katie Dailey, Elizabeth Jones, and I went to the Khao San market (lots of backpackers) and had a great time! This morning, Elizabeth and I woke up early and were on our way to Chatuchak market by 8:00am. I loved walking through the rows and rows of clothes, trinkets, food, etc. We haven't had as much time to adventure as we hoped, because of orientation, but we're doing our best! Our list of places to visit is getting longer [almost] by the day.